Sunday, July 11, 2010

loud bubbles

Last night we were able to join family at Aunt Beverly and Uncle Lloyd's house for the Steele days fireworks presentation. They started late, my kids were tired. Hayli ate a bug, (that did not go over well) Kate ran into her cousin bumping heads because it was too dark to see. Gentry keep telling me she was tired and then spilled her root beer float all over me and the blanket. Casey was there too, laughing and enjoying his family, Brian and he can make ANYTHING hysterical. I have to admit I was tired and a little grumpy OK maybe a lot grumpy. Wondering why we do things like this. BUT then the fireworks finally started, Kate fell asleep on Casey's lap, Hayli and I shared the clean blanket. Gen snuggled in and in a not so quite moment she whispered..."loud bubbles mom."
Just so you know that is why I do it. For those little unforgettable moments. When you are snuggled together with the ones you love watching the "loud bubbles".
( No I didn't take the picture, pretty cool though.)


Crystal said...

you're right, they were loud bubbles. and it was worth waiting until almost 11pm for them to start. And has Hayli recovered from the bug incident?

Sabra May said...

I can't help but think maybe that's why we called her Hay Bug for all those years. I hope she's ok. Gen is so stinking cute! I hope you guys had fun!

Paige said...

I never thought of it that way... but then I never think they way they do. :) And you right, that is EXACTLY why we do all the crazy things we do.

Paige said...

GASP! We DO call her Hay Bug! It all makes SENSE!