Monday, February 28, 2011

birthday girl

Hayli had such a fun day! Thanks to everyone who went out of their way to make her day special!
It's SO good to be 9!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

hayli jane

 You love to be with friends, I love to listen to you when you are with your friends! A little bossy every now and then, but even your sisters come back for more. You are a GREAT sister when you want to be. So patient with Gentry helping her, loving to read to her. A little less patient with Kate but again if you are in the mood you are the BEST big sister in the world. You love clothes, make-up(lip gloss),you love your own room, you were right :) all the mess must have been Kate as you have kept your room very neat and tidy ever since "the switch". Accessories are a must for you earrings, belts, headbands all must have some sort of bling, fluff or flower.  You are very observant you notice everone elses accessories too.  You are good at school, you enjoy school at the ripe of age of nine. Lets hope that lasts! You are always the first to ask for a pajama day. ( a day when one does nothing important and can stay in pajamas all day) But also the first to be bored, you are the instigator, you come up with all the "fun" that happens here. You listen...sometimes too well to everything I say, I catch you listening to my conversations, watching and learning constantly. (sometimes things I don't want you to learn!) But I have seen you take this skill to your friendships and be there for your friends. Your instinct is to be kind, you worry that everyone is happy and getting along, especially with friends and even sometimes with Kate. You are becoming more and more independent every day. You like to walk, you enjoy being on your own schedule. More important you LOVE having your own schedule. You get excited when you are so busy after school you don't really get home till dinner time. It is those days when you are the best with your sisters. (absence must make the heart grow fonder)
I sense 9 being a big year or maybe your are just getting big. Instead of a party you asked if you could get a couple of friends and go get a pedicure, then maybe some ice cream. I can't wait to sit and pretend to read a magazine while you and your "besties" have a afternoon! I love you baby girl! Hope being nine only brings the best!
pictures Rock Love Photography

Friday, February 25, 2011

i know

I was supposed to be birthday shopping for Hayli but I couldn't help it. The pure joy and elation on her face when she spotted C'rella's car. You know that I am every retailers dream... (Casey shutters at the thought)

By the way my own "minute to win it" Insert bean bag 'beans' into bean bag with the help of a 2 year old. Trying to keep more 'beans' in the bag that out of the bag. You have One minute, Good Luck!
Gen and I ....we lost. :) We may or may not have lost a string cheese inside the bag too.
Just saying ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I witnessed this cubba-bubba join us in this crazy world today.  So many thoughts,  I wish I was a good writer, but alas I don't know how to put thoughts into words that make sense. Things seem so complicated lately, life offers so many trials AND triumphs. But finding your place seems to be harder than ever.  As I watched this little one fight to get here today I couldn't help but wonder about it all.  There is no doubt in my mind that there is a God...but it was proven today it is a fight even from the very beginning.  Maybe, my Dad is right. Is it really just about how you choose to fight?   But I think who is on your team can make a big difference!
Welcome Bryn! All NINE pounds and twenty inches of you!!
(yes, Rachel is amazing!)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Monday, we started the celebrations, for those turning 9 this week. Paige hosted a BBQ in the snow for the February birthdays (Hayli and Lucy) Paige went all out as usual trying to accommodate everyone and their favorites. Hayli trying so hard to be grown up and her love of orange and owls, Lucy's adoration of pink and princess everything.

So fun for me to see Hayli want grown up things, bulletin board, gift cards, a super sparkly scarf and 3 bottles of room spray made for one happy girl at this house!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Valentines day!
Heart hair, and New Heart shirts- Picture of three on a busy morning proves more difficult every time I try.
Parties- 2 winners of musical chairs over here! Never seen such a excited smile on Kate's face as she ran to me after school. Not as monumental for Hayli but had to make it known she won too.
Candy- deliveries from family and friends not to mention the amount that came home from school.
Heart pizza- for dinner with cinnamon bread for fhe dessert.
Home-made valentine for everyone in the family.
and a little sparkly something from Casey too. :)

We definitely felt the love at this house!
(Yes, that is Gen's new smile. A little forced, uh. We'll be working on that.)

Thursday, February 10, 2011


We all knew it would happen, I've seen little signs here and there.  But today as I dropped Hayli off at school she was singing along with the music everything seeming fine.  BUT as we pulled up to the front and it was time for her to get out...She asked that I turn the music off before she opened the door.  Yep, Hayli is embarrassed of us.
Welcome pre-teen... loving it!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


after weeks of sinus problems, coughing (sometimes uncontrollable coughs), very little sleep,and on and off antibiotics.   The official diagnosis----perhaps a dust allergy?  Any one have a dust free home she could live in?  Because lets be honest it certainly isn't here!  Oh and "they" recommend she doesn't sleep with our pets, oh wait we don't have any pets.  Is that really a answer?...

Monday, February 7, 2011


I have a sign on my porch that reads no solicitors...most door to door salesmen make me crazy.  They don't take no for a answer and frankly they just make me uncomfortable.  Except for the fruit man.  Yes, I am a sucker and buy it every time. Is it because, he apparently can't read as he knocks on my door despite the sign?  Or that I am too lazy to go to the store?  But I tell you these don't taste like the store!  And bonus he brings them to me!  uh can you say double standard?  Yep that's me.
Gentry and I have been munching since he dropped by this morning and in the the words of the 2 year old..."just more, mom!"

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Family Heart Attack! I stole this idea off a blog called 71 toes. I don't know her but I really love to read her blog. Anyway each family member writes something they love about another on a heart and then we hung them all over the kitchen. The girls thought this was so fun. So exciting to see what others write about YOU! A new family tradition I think...
What do you love about your family?

Saturday, February 5, 2011


new valentine jammies...

I love new pajamas, I love how soft and fuzzy they feel when I squeeze them!

Friday, February 4, 2011


Since I am always so quick to post the bad just had to try to even out with some good.  Gentry doesn't have a ear infection!  Finally, Dr. Whiting  found the perfect combo of decongestant and new antibiotic that finally worked!  We have avoided surgery for the time being and well, like I've said before, "It's so good just to see her happy!"

Thursday, February 3, 2011


She made a Kazoo. When Gentry told her "stop! Kate too loud!" Kate responded "I can't even make it go soft, I just have to do it like this."
THANKS Miss Ginny!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


 At the start of the new year the Primary gave the girls a chart to keep track of their daily scripture reading.  What a great prompt to get us  into reading everyday.  We decided to use the "official" Book of Mormon this time not the picture book ones.
 I'd love to report how it has changed our entire family, but unfortunately it seems to bring frustration, a lot of poking, some pushing, a little crying and a whole lot of "just sit down!" from Casey and I. 
I do have to say,  Everyday gets a little easier and I am grateful for the chance to learn and teach together.  I do know that consistent obedience is the key.
 P.S  Lesson learned-- do not to take pictures while reading scriptures....really proves to be distracting :) But if you look closely (up top) Gen's book is upside down,   I couldn't help myself. 
 (focus is a learned talent that I am working on too!)