Sunday, March 27, 2011


While Kate was giving every one a run for the money, Hayli had 7 warts frozen. Turns out if you pick at a wart the infection can spread to other areas. Which means warts all over your fingers and hands. While the doctor was freeze, thaw, freeze, thaw repeat, I looked up at that adorable round face and she was white as a ghost. I asked "Are you alright?" Hayli nodded but then really loudly said she couldn't hear anything. Uh, OK, little one you need to breathe while someone is freezing your fingers. Gladly after sitting down for a little bit and taking a few deep breaths her hearing and color came back, all was fine.....except for a few sore fingers. Seriously, did they have a class on how to take your girls to the doctor? Because I missed it. I apparently was sitting on the back row talking and I didn't learn how to handle crazy or fainting kids at the Dr. office. Would it have been wrong to grab Gen and leave...pretending "I don't know where the mother of those one kids over there is", but agreeing she should probably do something about them?


Anonymous said...

Oh, my hanna!! These kids have been "run thru the mill" (whatever that means)!! Are they feeling picked on?? And are you now broke from all the "prizes" at the end of the plights?? Ready for a calm day?? Bless ALL of your hearts!!

Paige said...

So warts can spread? You are like my medical blog. I learn so much! Did the whole burn-y thing work?