Tuesday, March 8, 2011

princess teeth

For some reason Kate has weak enamel and EVERY time we go to the dentist she has cavities.  Yes, we take fluoride and brush regularly nevertheless she gets to go back every time!  This time one was so bad she got to have a sliver tooth put in.  Very sparkly and well she says it hurts.  The dentist calls them princess teeth which I think she liked.
This is what your smile looks like when 1/2 your face in numb and your eyes look very tired after a 1/2 hour of laughing gas.  Warrants a couple new polly pockets eh?   Brave girl.


Anonymous said...

Bless her little heart! Nana needs a hug! But look: she just sparkles all over. Diamond earrigs, diamond teeth!! WOW!! And yep, she deserves a new polly!!
Love my girl!

Paige said...

I ABHOR the dentist! My heart goes out to Kate... it's just the WORST!

the WINTERS family! said...

She was showing me her silver tooth, the other day.
She was pretty proud of it. I asked her if she was brave
and she said, not really:) Such a cutie!