Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Lucy is here to visit while her parents are cruising the wild seas. We love to have her with us we have learned so much so far like...

Lucy: you don't take good care of your car.
Me: Yeah, it is kinda dirty.
Lucy: You could clean it.
Me: Yeah, I could.

Me: vaccuming under the couch
Lucy: WOW!
Me: does your house get dirty?
Lucy: No, my mom doesn't let us get dirty.

Lucy: lets watch Harry Potter.
Kate: what? Let me see.
Kate: We can't watch that, can't you see it is scary?

Me: taking Gentry to the bathroom
Lucy: Is she potty trained?
Me: yes
Lucy: she is kinda small, she should just wear diapers.

Lucy: can we go get Kate now?
Me: well, she has one hour of school left.
Lucy: I like your house better when Kate and Hayli are home
Me: me too.

Thanks for keeping us smiling, Lucy!


tracie said...

She is a cutie!

Kim M. said...

Funny. Ella saw Lucy with your family on Sunday. She whispered to me, "Mom, Kate has a new sister!" I told her I was sure it was someone visiting. She insisted, "No, their hair is done all the same!" So now you've got FOUR girls. What a cutie.