Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Sunday we decided to take a drive, the Loop as they call it.
I could not believe the view,
We rolled down the windows, and let the cool wind blow over us.
Stopped for a bit to take a stroll among the flowers,
I can't imagine a better way to say goodbye to summer.
Summer, you were good to us.
 Can't wait till next time.
PS.   Kate "if we never cut our grass, flowers would grow?"
         Me  " I'm not sure, should we give it a try?"
         Kate " OK, but don't grow the poky ones."


Helen said...

I vote that we NOT say "good-bye" to summer and see how long we can keep it. I'm in denial, I know, but I soooo don't want it to go away!!

Paige said...

LOVE activites like that!

tracie said...

Lets go up there and shoot some pictures of the girls! Or family....