Friday, July 22, 2011


I read a blog today that referred to the "glorified truth" we see in pictures and blogs. 
 It made me think of a friend who recently said to me "I read your blog, your life is perfect."
 Let me assure anyone one who might have been fooled with my "glorified truth" our life is not perfect by most standards.  Today was a hard day ... I'm not sure why the rules seemed harder today... but man even Casey got frustrated after he had only been home for a little while.
 So we ate dinner (painfully) and had scripture time.  Hayli down loaded the scriptures on to her ipod, and the glimmer of hope started.  Casey had the brilliant idea to find out who could roast the perfect marshmallow.
I have to admit I wasn't really behind it I answered "If  it was up to me the answer would be no fire and early bed time." --- It wasn't up to me.
And so our day ended playing on the tramp at dusk, smiling, laughing and loving to be together.
I choose to post about the happy time because I want to remember these moments.  Moments that, to me, are beautiful.
As my well written, pretend friend and blogger Kelle said.."glorified truth...nah.  It really happened."  And so our life might not be perfect, but it definitely has its perfect moments.
 I'll take it.


Helen said...

Now that really is real...makes my eyes tear up. I love you guys!

Paige said...

The "good stuff" is exactly why I blog. I want to be looking for the happy things that our house is experiencing. I have no problem keeping track of the hard and ugly trials. But the smiles, the victories, the needs to be highlighted! And, I find that it works. Dave looks for happy moments now too. It's a good thing. (And I believe adding scriptures to the evening, has a way of changing attitudes. The spirit makes a difference) Ok, I'm done posting. The end.

tracie said...

Is it Kelle Hampton? I love her blog. And I love this post. Keeping it real.

Helen Macfarlane said...

I think you have a knack for finding the good moments of the day and writing about them and/or capturing them on film. No one's life is perfect, but you are certainly blessed ... and there is nothing wrong with focusing on those blessings, right? It makes the rough times easier.

It's the little things ...