You count 1-2-1 every time. You love to laugh! You say "Kate funny". You love to jump. You find safety and comfort from Hayli. You find fun with Kate. Your sisters are almost as important as your blanket. You can climb EVERYTHING. Your smile is infectious. I love to hear you giggle with your sisters. Your eyes sparkle with enthusiasm for what the day could hold and the mischief you could get into. You LOVE treats. M&Ms from the trail mix, you call them "my nuts" but mostly chocolate ice cream. You call it "chocit ceam", you ask for it almost everyday. Your sisters adore you! They fight over you. They come to you first thing every morning. I think because you are so excited to see them! "Moning Hayli, Moning Kate" and run in for a hug. But I love when you are trying to be quite on those early mornings, poky hair, tip toes and all " Shh....Kate sweeping". You love your Aunt Paige and Uncle Dave. When you are mad at me you run to the door and yell "My Paiges". I love that you call her Paiges. I am so grateful you know you have people who love you and are on your side. All of your sisters friends are "Elle". It shows to me who your favorite friend is to have over. Every time the garage door opens... "Daddy!" and drop everything and run. Then just as excited to see it is Hayli, just coming in from outside. You love to color, my walls, your body, even paper sometimes. You mostly draw circles, but you love circles. I love it when you tell me to "sit down, snuggle". I love it when you tell me you are "ty-red"and need your blanket. I love it when you growl at me...asking in your way to be chased and caught then loved on. I love that you need me. I need you. I love you baby girl, Happy Birthday!
I love that little girl too! Thank you for sharing your baby with me! And what a sweet commentary for her to read later about ALL the things that make up a "Genny" right now.
This brings tears to my eyes... She is all grown up!! This baby girl makes her Nana's world go 'round!! What a sweetheart! What a great read and what darling photos, MyKel! Thanks for sharing!!
What a sweet girl, I wish I knew her better. Happy Birthday Gen!
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