Sunday, April 17, 2011

spring break

Will you remember not going out of town when all your friends did?

Or will you remember bike rides and painting you room Banana cream. (How many coats does it take to cover fuchsia flowers with banana cream)

Will you remember yard work and shopping for carpet?

Or will you remember warmish days and breaking out the fire pit for the first time this season?

Will you remember Dad going to Arizona without us?

Or will you remember new t-shirts, baby lambs moving in, a Easter party at Nana's and a field trip to the Humanitarian Center with Grandma.

Will you remember giant marshmallows, and a slow week with your sisters? (Waiting clear till Friday before asking for friends, school and something to do.)

Me too, Spring break was just the break we needed.


tracie said...

We should of hung out. I was home all week too. Felt like a ghost town. Love the one with the giant marshmallow. Where did you get them? I have been looking.

Missy said...

Wow! That's impressive! Cambree can't even go a few hours without asking for friends. Sounds like you guys had a fun time!

Unknown said...

your decorating is awesome!