Thursday, April 7, 2011


Yesterday I was trying to get Kate and Gentry to lay down and watch a show.  I admit it I was tired, I needed a break it really wasn't about them.  I also admit that I maybe got a little sharp as I told them to lay on the couch or go lay down in their room.  Gentry ran off yelling "I no nap"  and I plopped on the couch working the remote when the 2 year old brought me a coke from the pantry.  "Coke Mom?"  with a big smile.
.......I'm pathetic.
As you can see Gentry enjoys a good coke just like her Mom and we all made it through the dreaded afternoon hour all in one piece with no more sharpness from the Mom.  Thanks Gentry for knowing me all too well.    :)


Kim M. said...

Made me laugh! Mine would be chocolate. ;)

tracie said...

Chocolate for me too. What a sweethart!