Thursday, May 31, 2012

and that's a wrap

This school year went so fast for me.
 These two are so excited to move on, There was a lot of happy screaming when that last bell rang.  Mrs. Weaver and Mrs. Young were great to work with and the girls sure loved them.  4th grade and Kindergarten were a success!
Hayli was invited to a end of school party and so Elle came over for our...end of school day, I have to admit it was not a party put we love to have her here.

Schools out!


Sabra May said...

fun! such an exciting time of year! can't believe Hay is going into 4th grade...

Helen said...

We've been doing lots of things lately that make us all "just plain happy", yes?? And then Monday will just feel strange when you don't have to "get up and rush". What's on the agenda for that day? Congradulation girls!! You made it through with flying colors!! I am soooo happy for you!!