Do you think the new family will mind when I come every day and harvest my treasures? My peaches are close but not quite...the big boy tomatoes are heavy on the vine but still green and my peppers...
Kate brought this one in behind her back. "Mom, I have something you will love!" She is right my little garden makes me smile.
yeah, we never seem to get the timing right.
That pepper is GORGEOUS!!! WOW!! Ours taste good...but they are tiny, compared to yours!! Hey, Ila Adams would come back to her garden about twice a week, AFTER we moved in at 528! Just tell them that you'll be back, now and then. I was totally fine with her coming back! She'd done all the work...and she told me I could pick what I'd like, as well!! I was tickled pink!! I think it's totally permissible!! Really!!
BTW: We moved in just as school was starting...just like you!!
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