When the weather looks this inviting who could say no...
Clyde did accuse me of being bad luck, :) During spring break the weather didn't pan out to well either.
But even with the short time we were able to learn new skills. Grandpa found the only nail on the mountain and ran over it with his brand new rhino. Hayli helped change the tire.
We had the first hot dog roast of the season.
and got a few hugs from ones that we love. A little Kole sandwich!
Ella, Kole and Genny were a little like the 3 musketeers. Kole doesn't let Gen out of his sight and Ella didn't want anyone to have any fun without her.
Lorraine wins mother of the year in my book she ended up with 4 kids under 8 while their parents got a break for a couple of days. Not to mention my 3 and Corey had a friend who had kids too. Grand total--9 kids running, screaming and wanting Grandmas attention. (Hayli being the only one over 8) Fortunately, she seems to have enough to go around! Truly her patience is amazing.
Family fun...but fast. Not enough hours in this weekend, We never made it to the cemetery hopefully they know we love them too.
1 comment:
I can NOT wait to get to the mountains! The Hoyt's are behind... it's time to play.
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