We were able to go the live Nativity in Alpine this year. I love the "live" part. This one had SO many animals the girls were so excited. Camels, sheep, donkeys, horses, goats, swans.
I loved the Roman soldiers, they rode horse back and directed traffic through Bethlehem. They tried to act gruff, "pay your taxes, move along, all are to be counted" etc. but each one was nice enough to let Gen pet each horses nose. We saw how they made baskets, clay pots and took care of the animals. We tasted bread and listened to the wise men explain their gifts. Then finally we were directed to the stable under the star where only a Joseph, a Mary, a baby Jesus and a manger stood silently, we watched the simple scene, absorbing the spirit of the story. Oh wait that was my child yelling, "but I need to hold the baby Jesus!"
One day, I say, one day they will get it. Oh and also one day I will remember to pack extra batteries as a cold night at temple square and a cold night in Bethlehem rendered me without a working camera shortly after we started our walk. :)
Still it will be a great memory for me as I walked in the cold pondering the contrast of noisy Bethlehem and the quiet stable. How am I letting the noise of the season affect the true reason we celebrate? Plus I hope I will always remember my conversation with Gentry as we walked back to the car, how she wanted to hold the baby Jesus, how she just wanted to give him a kiss. "Maybe when he gets bigger, he will hold me" she said. I know he will little one. I know he will.
Sounds like it was SO great! Is this one better than the one in SLC? Roman Soliders... love it!
You bring tears to my eyes. Precious baby girl...how dear you are!! Thanks for sharing!!
I'm tearing up too. How sweet!
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