Sunday, August 28, 2011


So the only thing I can put together is, there must be only so many times little girls underwear can be bleached...
OR those green smoothies have really been working out and Gentry now has *Popeye spinach* strength!
She came out of the the bathroom so confused... help! I of course couldn't stop laughing.


Helen said...

Here she is: baffled in the confussion...and you are laughing yourself silly!! I would have been, as well!! Cute little tush...cute little kid!! Thanks for sharing!!

tracie said...

Soo funny! She will hate you one day for taking pictures of her tush.

Paige said...

LOL! She is going to DIE (in 10 years) when she figures out you posted that for everyone to see! (perks of being the mom) So stinkin' cute!

the WINTERS family! said...

Too funny! Never had THAT happen before! :)