Wednesday, July 6, 2011


It started when we bought one of these.  A oscillating sprinkler.  One just like the Rasbands. 
 We are always trying to keep up with the Rasbands :)
 Apparently, they are the best under a tramp.
We had one of those afternoons where you hair could fly anyway it wanted.
We played card games on the patio.
It was quiet and calm, so we could concentrate on skip-bo, and pictionary.
 We ended the day with dinner in your swimsuit at the picnic table.  A favorite thing to do over here.
All activities done with a best friend near by.
These afternoons are the best summer has to offer.  Tomorrow we might have to do something a little more productive.  But was the best.


tracie said...

Love those days!!!!

Paige said...

I want ALL my summer days to be like that!

Helen Macfarlane said...

We had a sprinkler like that when I was growing up. It really was the BEST for playing in the water! I love that you can see it coming up through the trampoline while they jump. You're the BEST mommy ever.