Monday, June 13, 2011


Casey's brother took pity on us and gave us a very used, very loved trampoline.  I have wanted one for a while now but we have the smallest backyard and I have to admit Casey was right, in that it kinda overtakes everything.
 However there has been smiles from ear to ear since Sunday morning when Casey put it together.  They jump in their pajamas, swimsuits and sometimes regular clothes too.  They have been outside laughing so hard every chance they can.  Laughing, till Gentry wet her pants.  And then, that was even funny.  Hayli came running in laughing, "Mom, Gentry was laughing so hard she wet her pants."   A great excuse to put the sprinkler under and "wash" it off.
To say we love our new to us tramp is a understatement.  I am now looking for trampoline accessories, and such, any advice would be great!
 the end.


Paige said...

No worries now... Summer has just been booked! How great for mom! :)

Helen Macfarlane said...

I recently heard that when you add safety accessories it gives the kids a false sense of security and they aren't as careful as they should be. I don't know if that's true, but it kind of makes sense to me.

Anonymous said...

Shall I bring popcycles or maybe dinner?? Seems you'll never be leaving your driveway again!!
Just look at those smiles! You'll never beat that again!!

Unknown said...

so cute!