Thursday, March 24, 2011


Today, Kate got her kindergarten shots. 4 shots and a finger poke.  She was mostly brave but man she can be strong willed.  She made it through the doctor part great answering the questions with enthusiasm, then the nurse came in with the shots and started telling me rub right, not left etc., I look over and Kate had pulled the caps off all the needles and was playing with them. The nurse then had to go get new sterile shots and start over. Then Kate wouldn't pull her pants down because she didn't want the nurse to see her underwear. After some threats turned bribes the pants come down.  Doesn't everyone look away when the needle is coming at them?   Not Kate I kept asking her to look at me but her eyes were glued to the needles.  Soon her little body is shaking and she is pulling away I had to hold her hands down.  No tears but really? The display was ridiculous. Try this little one listen to me, I really am trying to help things be easier on you!
As she practically skipped out of the doctor office, talking of all the treasures to be found at Target, I wondered, "Which one of us got our way?"  I think I have been had.
  Yep, Kate won that one.  We have Barbie magnets to prove it... :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, she is soooo like someone else I know!! What a dear, dear little girl!! I love that kid! She's got it all down right! I wondered how she did! Thanks for sharing!

Paige said...

Let's see, what's the phrase? "She's workin' you Wilma"!
(That, and she's too stinkin' stubborn/tough!)