Saturday, February 26, 2011

hayli jane

 You love to be with friends, I love to listen to you when you are with your friends! A little bossy every now and then, but even your sisters come back for more. You are a GREAT sister when you want to be. So patient with Gentry helping her, loving to read to her. A little less patient with Kate but again if you are in the mood you are the BEST big sister in the world. You love clothes, make-up(lip gloss),you love your own room, you were right :) all the mess must have been Kate as you have kept your room very neat and tidy ever since "the switch". Accessories are a must for you earrings, belts, headbands all must have some sort of bling, fluff or flower.  You are very observant you notice everone elses accessories too.  You are good at school, you enjoy school at the ripe of age of nine. Lets hope that lasts! You are always the first to ask for a pajama day. ( a day when one does nothing important and can stay in pajamas all day) But also the first to be bored, you are the instigator, you come up with all the "fun" that happens here. You listen...sometimes too well to everything I say, I catch you listening to my conversations, watching and learning constantly. (sometimes things I don't want you to learn!) But I have seen you take this skill to your friendships and be there for your friends. Your instinct is to be kind, you worry that everyone is happy and getting along, especially with friends and even sometimes with Kate. You are becoming more and more independent every day. You like to walk, you enjoy being on your own schedule. More important you LOVE having your own schedule. You get excited when you are so busy after school you don't really get home till dinner time. It is those days when you are the best with your sisters. (absence must make the heart grow fonder)
I sense 9 being a big year or maybe your are just getting big. Instead of a party you asked if you could get a couple of friends and go get a pedicure, then maybe some ice cream. I can't wait to sit and pretend to read a magazine while you and your "besties" have a afternoon! I love you baby girl! Hope being nine only brings the best!
pictures Rock Love Photography


Crystal said...

Happy Birthday Hayli! You are becoming such a beautiful lady!

Paige said...

I can't believe she's NINE! My sweet little neice! Happy Birthday HAYLI!