Wednesday, February 2, 2011


 At the start of the new year the Primary gave the girls a chart to keep track of their daily scripture reading.  What a great prompt to get us  into reading everyday.  We decided to use the "official" Book of Mormon this time not the picture book ones.
 I'd love to report how it has changed our entire family, but unfortunately it seems to bring frustration, a lot of poking, some pushing, a little crying and a whole lot of "just sit down!" from Casey and I. 
I do have to say,  Everyday gets a little easier and I am grateful for the chance to learn and teach together.  I do know that consistent obedience is the key.
 P.S  Lesson learned-- do not to take pictures while reading scriptures....really proves to be distracting :) But if you look closely (up top) Gen's book is upside down,   I couldn't help myself. 
 (focus is a learned talent that I am working on too!)


Paige said...

I love how 2 out of 5 in your family cannot read.... and yet the family is doing it! lol!
Consistency IS the key and the blessings will come. THEY WILL COME! In the meantime, I wonder if tonight I can try Hayli's scripture stance...I'll let you know how my body holds out. :)

Missy said...

We switched over to the real scriptures too. Mostly Brinley is the only kid listening so our reading goes much like yours, but its worth it! :)

tracie said...

You are doing better than we are. Good for you guys.