Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Casey works for a large company who (for the record) are good to us all year long. At Christmas time they give all the employees a ham. We have cooked it for Christmas dinner since... forever.
this morning
Hayli: "What is the big mountain thing in the fridge?"
Me: "a ham"
Kate: "that's not ham, it's pig meat."
Oh, the joys of being married to a hunter! Casey doesn't sugar coat his hobby and insists on telling the truth of where our food comes from. But just once, can't it just be honey baked goodness without the visual of a carcass?
What are you having for Christmas dinner?


Kim M. said...

I LOVE honey baked hams! We had one for Thanksgiving, so I guess we're going for the turkey for Christmas.

Helen Macfarlane said...

That's so funny. I can't think about Honey Baked Hams on Christmas without thinking about Christmas with the Kranks. Silly movie, but actually one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

Remind me again: What time is dinner?? Ummmmmm!

Paige said...

Kate's face cracks me UP in the photo! Love it!

Unknown said...

thank you for the laugh!