Kate you love Pink but you tell people your favorite color is purple. You are obsessed with being older, You ARE my baby despite how much it bothers you when I call you that! You adore friends and school. In fact you must make contact with at least one friend a day. Your self confidence is impressive, something I hope lasts a life time!! You love to "help". You will do anything in the name of helping. This year you helped Dad make jerky every night for a week. A really yucky job that you did happily because it made you and Dad a team. You love Barbie, Barbie dolls, Barbie movies, Barbie books....If it is Barbie you love it. You only wear dresses. You hate anything that might reflect "boy clothes" but most important you can't have anything restrictive. NO tight waistbands, NO pooching zippers, NO seams in your socks. In fact you hardly wear socks. You can make putting on socks and shoes a hour event, trying to avoid the "tickling". You would prefer barefoot or flip flops so all can see your painted sparkly toes anyway. Makes the winter months a fight....everyday. You do love sparkly things, jewelry is a favorite too. There is no such thing as over accessorizing to you. You can't wait till you can change your earrings even though you already picked the most sparkly earrings they had. You have the energy of two, during the day but that is OK because once you hit the pillow you don't move for at least 12 hours. Sleep is very important when you run all day long!
Dance is a favorite too, you love the idea of being on stage. You love the make-up and the spotlight. Even though the costumes "tickle" a little too much for your taste. You still call the computer a cuter. You often mess up your pro-nouns. You love any type of sugar treat. You love that your hair is the longest. But you can't stand it in your face. You always make a silly face when I try to take your picture. I had a friend say once that your "personality runs over." I agree, I love your energy, your happy face, and the love you have for your sisters. I love that your are MINE! I love you Katie bug...Happy Birthday to you.
(All pictures are Rock Love Photography)
We LOVE YOU Katie! Happy Birthday!
(ps. don't you love being able to capture the year of progress and their "loves" in a post?! I love to track my favorite things about my favorite people!)
She is such a darling! Great post. I love her even more now! (And good job Tracie!!)
Oh! She's co cute! I'm so glad Cambree and Kate are friends. I can relate to most everything in this post.:)
She is so sweet. I can relate with the shoes and socks. My little bug is the same way. We need a support group.
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