Look who came home for a few days! As you can see the girls don't let him get too far out of sight. We love to have our Dad home. We had a really great Fathers day. Low key and relaxing, Friday and Saturday Casey ran the Wasatch back relay, so he was tired. (They did improve their time from last year, they placed 3rd, you can't complain about that) Saturday night we went to the canyon to gather firewood, I can't believe how green everything is. I love the effects of a late spring. Sunday Nana, Papa, Paige and Dave helped us have a great bbq, fresh watermelon, corn on the cob. And of course s'mores! Presents and political talks, and all of a sudden it was bed time and I still had dishes to do. Fun night, we love the "Dads" in our lives.......
Happy Fathers Day!
So great! I'm sad I missed it, can't wait to see your new fire pit it looks fun!
We do love the "Dads" in our lives. We are sooo blessed to have each one. I am soooo grateful for terrific son-in-laws that are wonderful fathers; nevermind my girl's great Dad and Grandpas!! What more could be have in our lives!!
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