You love this day!! I am so excited to celebrate you. This has been a growing year one full of new challenges and you have triumphed. I am so proud to see that you are able to work through hard things. You are strong whether you think you are or not.
You started gymnastics this year never looking behind at dance again. It helps you take with one of your most favorite people. Our weekly date to meet up with them always bring a smile to your face. I really think you are doing well. Your cartwheels are straight as a arrow, and you can't wait to start the flips. I know you do cartwheels well because you are constantly showing me, in the kitchen, in your bedroom, in front of the tv, outside on the lawn. You LOVE cartwheels.

School gets better every day... Your stories and attempts to get out of school have been amazing. This year you told some whoppers, it started with just a simple tummy ache. Moved on to " I have been throwing up all weekend but my Mom still made me come", strep throat, terrible allergies, but the best excuse your crowning glory---"My head itches so bad, I must have lice." That is right you tried it all BUT you now are doing SO well. Mrs. Hanselman has been such a good fit for you, I am so grateful for her patience and your willingness to finally see that school can be a good place to be.
You are really starting to take off as a reader, wanting to read every sign, label and paper. You are so proud when you finish a book.
You still adore any type of craft or creation. You look forward to your kiwi craft every month not to mention legos, perler beads and the ever present coloring and drawing. If you get to use glue and glitter it is even better!
You love to be the helper, I have found you several time out side with your Dad watching / helping him fix the lawn mower, changing the oil on the rhio, winterizing the trailer...etc. If Dad has a project you have a project. You are just as happy to help make dinner, and fold the clothes. If we are working with you, you are happy to be working.
I love your sweet notes, I love your enthusiastic hugs. I love that you still want a doll for your birthday.
I love you.
I am so excited to see what 7 has in store for you.
Happy Birthday little one.
*all images Rock Love Photography