is 10
Hayli loves anything with bright colors...Smelly lotion is a favorite right now too. She also is in love with body spray. At any time you enter her room you are overcome with many "beautiful" smells at once. She uses all of them together. Which I have to say is such a better phase then when I had to beg her to bath and brush her teeth!
Hayli is good at school, she LOVES her friends, Math is easy, doing what she is asked to do, before all fun privileges are taken away... is hard. Hayli KNOWS most every answer Mom knows not so much at all, but Hayli tries to teach us every day :) She loves her ipod and her music, takes after her dad when she gets into "MY" car she pushes every button changing the radio station adjusting the seats etc. I often comment sarcastically "are you comfortable?" "Yes" she replies so straight faced. Knowing everything is about comfort.
She is becoming more and more independent with each day, which make my heart ache and sore at the same time. Hayli so badly wants to have adult privileges, late bed times, endless time with her much loved friends, a say in all that our family does. Learning that those privileges come as a product of hard work and obedience is a hard lesson to learn, we work on it every day.
On the other hand she still loves to snuggle with me in the early morning. She groggily stumbles in looking for some one to get her warm sometimes we have our best talks those quiet mornings. Hayli loves one on one time and will tell you quite the stories if you will take the time to listen.
When Hayli wants to be she is the best Big sister, the little girls adore her. I can see how they get in her way sometimes she is patient some times she isn't but that doesn't stop them from adoring her and wanting to do everything she is doing.
This year for her birthday she took her treasured friends to play laser tag at trafalga have to say I just
sat in the corner reading my book just there to hand out more money and tell them how much time they had left. Hayli loved it! Similar to the cruise all she wanted a phone and her freedom. Heaven help us she is only 10 what really does one do when they are 15?
A true sign she is old, on the way home from a extended family birthday party where she received gifts. I asked her if she was happy and she smiled and said "Yes, I am so glad I got just clothes and stuff, I was worried they would get me toys".
Happy Birthday, to my baby girl.
(All pictures, Rock Love Photography)