You are six today!!
You have been counting the days!
Preparing to be the center on attention has taken much preparation. You thought out every last detail, even down to the treat to hand out in kindergarten, you wanted taffy the pink, brown and white ones. Unfortunately your procrastinating mother waited till the night before to even look for them and could only get Christmas taffy...but you rolled with it because they came in a giant candy cane you thought was fun!
Whew! It has been a big year for you Kate, number one being you wear PANTS! Almost everyday now, I have to admit I never thought you would, you are VERY picky, but you do wear them. You still love barbie, barbie movies, barbie color books, and even still barbies! You have become a major crafter, artist I'm not sure what to call it.. but you must "create" something every day. You love your coloring, cutting and gluing, mixing and if you can add glitter...all the better!!
You are learning to love learning! Preschool was always fun but Kindergarten... it is
every day. You often ask when we are going to take a break :) You look forward to the weekend like a adult does. Loving to take it slow in the morning and play all day! You are learning though, which makes me smile! Your printing has improved 100%, and sight words, you find them all over now! You love to pull out a memorized book and read to us. You are soo proud!
I love that you play with boys more often than you play with girls, I love that your never ending energy exhausts me, Being in the middle of 3 is a hard place to be. You are stuck with being mom's buddy alot, I love that you still think being my shopping buddy, baking buddy, whatever we are doing buddy, is fun. I love that you know exactly what you are getting for your big day
(I heard Gentry tell you... time to start shopping alone.) But you act like you don't have any idea. I can tell you will keep Santa real for me for a long time...Thank you. I love you Kate Lorraine!
Happy Birthday, little one. Can't wait to see what this year brings...