Sunday we went for a hike after Stake Conference.
at first we were excited, Dad promised a waterfall. We had snacks and water we were ready to go.
Soon there were tears and frustration
(mostly Hayli) but we had a lesson on "hard things", and learned that we can do them.
(Kate is part mountain goat, as long as she had a snack she jumped along the trail)
After never finding the waterfall and the sun starting to set we turned for home. The whole way up Hayli just wanted to go down. But after turning around, going down was hard too. She kept losing her footing and the sun was in her eyes.
In the end we learned it's hard to go up hill and hard to go down hill... When I asked Hayli why that was "I don't know mom I just want to get to the car." She wasn't up for any analyzing but I couldn't help myself. Wasn't it Gorden B Hinckley, " find joy in the journey!" As Hayli learned that day all trails are hard.
Welcome, little one,your first lesson on becoming a adult.
(I think I forgot how to use my point and shoot not one picture in focus.)