...Are on antibiotics. A new record for our little family. Today we are grateful for a easy solution to our inconvenient sickness. It feels like so many of my friends are in pain, whether they are dealing with illness, death or finances it sure seems like trials are testing us all over. I am so thankful that after 2 doses a day for 10 days my "littles" will be well. So this weekend we will take it easy, lots of princess movies, and Popsicles! Hope you have a restful weekend too! UPDATE Gentry made it till Monday morning before joining us on amoxicillin. 4 out of 5! It's like waiting for the last dentist to cave! :)
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
3rd grade

The first day of Third Grade!!! Hayli was so excited and maybe a little nervous. She couldn't wait for all the fun stuff ahead. She woke up a 6:15 ready to get dressed and go.... she did talk me into painting her nails. Funny how the first day, nobody fought, Hayli happily packed her lunch and backpack checking her list and marking things twice. (give it two weeks and a totally different story) Even Kate and Gentry seemed happy to get in the stroller and go. Have a good day Miss... Can't wait to hear how it went.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I am not very often sentimental or nostalgic, I am usually excited for the girls to grow up, experience new things, I love to see them improve and progress. But every once in a while I sit and watch them play in the tub together or read a book together I am hit with "ENJOY this MyKel it doesn't last long enough." Tonight I am struck by absolute adoration for these three. Maybe because school starts tomorrow...... or because I caught a brief moment as they enjoyed each other as friends.

Just to keep it real Kate and Gentry were in the tub so early because Gentry decided yogurt was the latest hair gel and then Kate hopped out real quick as Gen stood up and yelled "I poopy". Clears out a bath tub, FAST!

Just to keep it real Kate and Gentry were in the tub so early because Gentry decided yogurt was the latest hair gel and then Kate hopped out real quick as Gen stood up and yelled "I poopy". Clears out a bath tub, FAST!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
puffy cheeks

puffy cheek is back....Hayli is still the only person I have ever heard of that struggles with this "lazy saliva gland" issue. It seems to raise it's ugly head every so often. I do feel bad however she does say it hurts. Lots of water and lemon drops... UPDATE just back from the pediatrician and she has a sinus infection, ear infection and a infection in her saliva gland not just build up. Geez, where was her mom? Someone should have caught that! Sorry Hay bug!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
two X three

Gentry, Sam, Bridger
Born days apart these guys keep us hopping. As newborns we would line their car seats in a row and say...."Can you imagine when they walk?" And look at them now. Mr. Independent,(Bridger) maybe, little sassy, or Ms. Mischievous (Gentry) and Mr. Patience (Sam). You can tell they will hold still (slightly) for a treat. But not for the camera. Next time Tyece should hold the treats AND the camera!
I'm a big kid now!!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
gentry nicole 2

You count 1-2-1 every time. You love to laugh! You say "Kate funny". You love to jump. You find safety and comfort from Hayli. You find fun with Kate. Your sisters are almost as important as your blanket. You can climb EVERYTHING. Your smile is infectious. I love to hear you giggle with your sisters. Your eyes sparkle with enthusiasm for what the day could hold and the mischief you could get into. You LOVE treats. M&Ms from the trail mix, you call them "my nuts" but mostly chocolate ice cream. You call it "chocit ceam", you ask for it almost everyday. Your sisters adore you! They fight over you. They come to you first thing every morning. I think because you are so excited to see them! "Moning Hayli, Moning Kate" and run in for a hug. But I love when you are trying to be quite on those early mornings, poky hair, tip toes and all " Shh....Kate sweeping". You love your Aunt Paige and Uncle Dave. When you are mad at me you run to the door and yell "My Paiges". I love that you call her Paiges. I am so grateful you know you have people who love you and are on your side. All of your sisters friends are "Elle". It shows to me who your favorite friend is to have over. Every time the garage door opens... "Daddy!" and drop everything and run. Then just as excited to see it is Hayli, just coming in from outside. You love to color, my walls, your body, even paper sometimes. You mostly draw circles, but you love circles. I love it when you tell me to "sit down, snuggle". I love it when you tell me you are "ty-red"and need your blanket. I love it when you growl at me...asking in your way to be chased and caught then loved on. I love that you need me. I need you. I love you baby girl, Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

We went to FatCats today to try cosmo bowling. loud music + lots of flashing lights + good treats, and fun friends = a great afternoon! Kate LOVED rolling the ball, she didn't love the "boy shoes". Gentry, liked it till she dropped the ball on her feet, then she was content to dance to the music and eat cookies. Hayli had so much fun and by the end she even got pretty good. Kristen, Matt, and Hayli all stayed fairly close but in the end Matt had the highest score at 109, Hay topped out at 94, or 84. "Something with a 4" ----- As you can tell highly competitive. ;)
(Jenn's ever so patient tutorial....)

Monday, August 9, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
last time
We celebrated Corey's birthday at the cabin, what (I think) will be the last family trip for this summer. (hunting season is upon us and girls are not invited....have to admit that is OK with me) We had a great time, cool weather, phase 10 (Hayli's new fav game),and carmel popcorn. The kids were great! Almost all of Casey's family got to come, which can be quite the crowd. It was a great way to end the season.

Jake and Kate
Kole, Hayli and Dad, Kamryn

This summer "THE BOYS", started building a bunk house. While taking a break from roofing Casey found these two laying in front, on the walkway chatting and playing sleeping time. 2 cute cousins!

Kole and Gentry

Jake and Kate
Kole, Hayli and Dad, Kamryn

This summer "THE BOYS", started building a bunk house. While taking a break from roofing Casey found these two laying in front, on the walkway chatting and playing sleeping time. 2 cute cousins!

Kole and Gentry
Saturday, August 7, 2010
My girls are spoiled. I know this, I created it, I take full responsibility. However, I can't seem to stop with the little one. She seems SO easy right now compared to the others. We went to target the other day and Gentry saw these princess figurines. I will generally let her hold something while I shop, it makes things easier. But what made this day different was the entire time she sat in her seat SO STILL, every so often saying...."Thank-you Mommy. " Then her little voice would go high as "my Rella" would talk. I am still not sure what "my Rella" says but she talks VERY high. I couldn't resist. Gentry hasn't let them out of her grasp since the Friday morning purchase. She sleeps with them, bathes with them, eats with them and when I took these pictures she turned their faces to me and said "Cheese!"
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What do you get when you have 3 blondes and a red head playing together? PERSONALITY! These girls are so fun ALL of them have such strong feelings. Sometimes it becomes intense, but mostly I am glad they all know what they want and fight for it. Lets hope that it stays with them through their teenage years.
Monday, August 2, 2010
one year
It's one year today and I am still not sure what to say. Some feelings are still so raw and fresh, but look at my baby, my how she has grown. In our own way this has been such a growing year for us all.
love to you, Carey.
love to you, Carey.
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