Something happens when Casey is out of town. Things slow way down. Maybe because Casey is NEVER lazy, it made today feel like a treat. Or maybe because I can feel summer coming to a end and I need to cherish lazy days like today, and prepare for yet another crazy weekend! So glad when dad comes home!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
summer =
the ice cream truck.......does it really have to drive by every day? When the one year old hears the music and can clearly say "ice ceam truck", and run to the door, we might have done this once or twice!
Monday, July 26, 2010
pioneer day

Saturday night after a long day four wheeling, packing up camp, unpacking trailers, washing bikes etc. fireworks began as a symbol to take a break. While the girls and I sat on the front porch watching the display you heard this.....
me: Why are there fireworks tonight?
Hayli: Uh, its pilgrims day!
me: pilgrims day? Isn't that Thanksgiving?
Hayli: Oh yeah, pioneer day.
me: Who are the pioneers?
Hayli: Um they walked a lot and invented stuff.
me: (trying not to laugh) What did they invent?
Hayli: I don't know Mom, I can't remember that stuff.
...obviously my dreams of being a children's history professor are smashed. I do realize that this is more of a reflection of parenting than public education. But the conversation had to be recorded. :) Her shirt in this picture is SO appropriate!!
I love my Hayli Jane!! (A little too much like her, not so much into history, mother.) and yes Kate looks scared because she was. We had a little fire accident while camping and sparklers were a little to reminiscent.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Will you remember the 100 degree heat, and the bugs?

Or will you remember Dad made you, your very own swimming pool?
Will you remember running the wheeler off the edge?

Or will you remember the excitement of your independence and the wind blowing through your...helmet?
Will you remember Mom losing her patience?
Will you remember being bored without your friends and electronics?

Or will you remember Dad made you, your very own swimming pool?
Will you remember running the wheeler off the edge?

Or will you remember the excitement of your independence and the wind blowing through your...helmet?
Will you remember Mom losing her patience?
Will you remember being bored without your friends and electronics?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Luckily my afternoon apt. canceled last minute or we would have missed a way fun afternoon. It all started with little Elle, from next door, stopping by with a pitcher of lemonade. The next thing we know we have a lemonade stand, we made new friends,(meet Eva and Sam) crafted a business plan (ie. a sign), and set up the slip'n'slide. (It was too hot just to sit there) We went through about a gallon of lemonade and we sold 6 cups. Hayli loved the idea and really thought she would make good money, when the other kids lost interest and just played in the water, Hayli was dedicated organizing and "manning" the store. In the end our little display gathered neighborhood friends and we had a great afternoon of play.......not so much money making. :)
But as we were cleaning up Hayli said "we should do this every Monday!"
But as we were cleaning up Hayli said "we should do this every Monday!"
Sunday, July 18, 2010

We went to Utah lake on Saturday with Casey's family. Hayli LOVES the boat! LOVES the water, this is her scene. I spent most of the day at the "beach", Hayli spent her day on the boat. So that means I have this one picture of her and she isn't even looking,at least Gen have me a half hearted wave. The rest of us had a good time too, Casey was awesome entertaining the little kids pulling them in the raft boat and such. The pink polka-dot is Ella, I never saw her use the tube in the water but she sure liked carrying it around. We had a great picnic with watermelon. I love Kate's watermelon picture! The juice is running down her chin and chest. MMMM good! We celebrated July birthdays, laughed, played in the dirt and fought for shade, good fun. We love family!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
big girl

Genny loon, my little, obsessed with buckle doing, big shoe wearing, chocolate ice cream loving, dancing but mostly loving, happy girl. Two days with no passy makes us thrilled! What a big girl!!
(for the record that is chocolate ice cream on her hands, dress, well everywhere. And I know the running picture is blurry but I LOVE it and that what this blog is for... things I love.)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Gentry loves tubes she has them in her ears, and we have a couple we like to play with at the pool. But this tube is new. It has a seat in the bottom so Gentry can't fall through. The mom LOVES that she doesn't fall through and Gen loves her new found freedom kicking all by herself around the pool! Yeah Summer! (please don't try to take it from her or you will hear a shrilling high pitch "my boat, my boat"...who told her it was a boat?)
Monday, July 12, 2010
snow cone monday
Got to love snow cone Monday. Our neighbors sell snow cones every Monday night, it is a fun summer tradition. My girls LOVE sugar water. Turns out it makes us giggly and playful. We have to eat them outside so we usually end up being pretty silly on the front lawn. I got some great shots of Gen wearing my sunglasses, Kate and Hayli were dancing to Taylor Swift. Not to mention red tongues and teasing smiles. Then uploaded them and only this picture is there. I am so sad. The computer says error and some other stuff that I don't understand. My computer abilities are so limited, I get so frustrated! Wish me luck.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
loud bubbles
Last night we were able to join family at Aunt Beverly and Uncle Lloyd's house for the Steele days fireworks presentation. They started late, my kids were tired. Hayli ate a bug, (that did not go over well) Kate ran into her cousin bumping heads because it was too dark to see. Gentry keep telling me she was tired and then spilled her root beer float all over me and the blanket. Casey was there too, laughing and enjoying his family, Brian and he can make ANYTHING hysterical. I have to admit I was tired and a little grumpy OK maybe a lot grumpy. Wondering why we do things like this. BUT then the fireworks finally started, Kate fell asleep on Casey's lap, Hayli and I shared the clean blanket. Gen snuggled in and in a not so quite moment she whispered..."loud bubbles mom."
Just so you know that is why I do it. For those little unforgettable moments. When you are snuggled together with the ones you love watching the "loud bubbles".
( No I didn't take the picture, pretty cool though.)
Just so you know that is why I do it. For those little unforgettable moments. When you are snuggled together with the ones you love watching the "loud bubbles".
( No I didn't take the picture, pretty cool though.)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
tub for 2
Gentry and Bridger found this tub for two refreshing while.....
My sisters and I made a few dozen of these.
We had a really long but successful day, Thanks Paige for hosting the crowd AND the mess. I'd love to say lets do it again but lets be honest there is a reason why we only do that once a year. I do love my sisters though and I love full storage shelves!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

We hit the pool again this week end. This time at Paige and Dave's house. And Dad got to come! It was so funny, the second Casey hit the water all the kids climbed on him. Thought he might sink....but he held on strong! They love playing with their Dad. We had fun with cousins, pool time and ended with fireworks. Except I forgot to grab the camera before it was dark. Missed the perfect 9:00 hour. Six kids kept me a little bit busier than I am used to. Apparently by 11:00pm one year olds need some snuggling time! My tired little babies.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Three sets of twins this weekend. Max and Hayli are 10 months apart, Lucy and Kate 2 1/2 months and Sam was born just the day before Gentry. The kids were SO good. We played literally from before sun-up to well after sun-down, and couldn't of had a better time. I am so glad they are such good friends. I hope they will be close as cousins can be. However, we are now exhausted and it is nap time for this mom of six.
Saturday, July 3, 2010

"Mom! wook! wook!" GREAT BIG BALLOONS!
I love the 4th of July!
Right now, we are napping. Shhhhh........
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