I went on a "photo walk" with a few of my photographer friends hoping to learn a few tricks. These are Tracie's girls....so patient. Needless to say I laughed a lot! and maybe learned a little too, all and all a fun morning.
Last weekend we celebrated Lucy and Hayli's birthdays. Lucy was the only one who would hold still and get her picture taken. All the other pictures are action shots of presents. I love the one with Kate, they are such cute friends.
Hayli was spotlighted at school this week and as part of her poster she had to pick a hero ......No shocker ......she picked her dad. "He loves to play the wii with me and lets me stay up late." (Can you say peas in a pod?)
So the bad thing about deciding to take your own pictures is Kate turned 4 in November and I am just now getting the courage to take her pictures. And of course now I am not so sure I shouldn't get professional pictures done.... As always with Kate you need a funny face!